Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Have they forgotten about God?

Just got re-acquainted with some of my JC friends... Has been a long while since we left JC... almost 13 years? hmm... thanks to facebook, I kinda found them again. Looking through some of their profiles, I see that most of them are doing very well in their careers and some are married with kids. Some of them were Christians together with me in JC, but ... sadly, when I read their profiles or message them, God does not seem to exist in their lives. One of them, in particular, used to be so enthuse about church and God... but in his blog, it is all about dance, media, gatherings, food, mah jong and even hints of ranchy stuff... I mean... these were the people I hung out with in JC 1 and 2. But I also remembered not having a good feeling about them and "ostracising" myself from them... somehow, as I became more interested in church and God, I just don't want to hung out with them. Just don't want to be yoked with them. Wasn't comfortable with the dirty jokes and the idle-ness of life.

Those of us who remained Christians till now, are still serving and enthuse about God and church. While I don't profess to be a perfect Christian, as I have many many flaws, I am glad that my God hung onto me. He never lets me go, despite seasons of dryness and rebellion in my Christian life. Thank you Jesus for not letting me let you go.

Thinking of pulling them back into His kingdom... hmmm... Just do it.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Everything's gonna be ALRIGHT in the ALMIGHTY's hands

D had her first radiation therapy yesterday. She was so fatigued from the treatment and chemo pills that she could not go out in the evening. But the hubby and I were determined to bring her the books which the hubby bought for her to inspire her on God's love and will for her to be healed. So, we set off to buy a bouquet of flowers (her fave: Sunflower), a cushy bear called Snuffles and donuts. But we forgot to get her ice-cream even though we talked about it so much. Hahaha... Went to her house last night, with the intention to pass all the gifts to her parents, so that D can have undisturbed rest. But her handsome dad (now I know where D got her lovely looks from) insisted that we came in. D was in a good mood. She has been reading faith and healing books and listening to sermons from the ipod which the CGLs bought for her and also to worship music. I can just sense that her faith level is so high. And God responds to faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. But with faith, anything is possible. D will be healed. Visiting D really lifted my spirits. I am inspired by her. So much faith. Blows my mind.

Just 2 days ago, my colleague suddenly stood up and said to me, in the office, that I looked as though I am glowing. Wow. What a compliment. I didn't do anything special to my appearance. In my heart, I knew why. I feel closer to God in this period. I was down, but He lifted my spirits. In bad situations, I decided to praise God. Plus I am inspired by D's faith and courage. Also, after that less than ideal job appraisal, I have realised that pursuing that career is not that important. I will work hard and smart nonetheless, but the priority has lessened. So I am more relaxed at work now.

Still I wondered if I did anything right at work. Have all my hard work and going the extra mile in my client servicing efforts all gone down the drain? I told God that it didn't mattered anymore. But God is great. When I have already accepted the fact of the appraisal ratings, God showed me that they are people who appreciate my efforts, mainly my internal clients. In just a span of 2 weeks, there were 3 persons who asked me to join their teams in the frontline. haha! Those are sufficient rewards for me. Of course, I couldn't agree, since I have already agreed to a transfer in early December 2007. Thank you God for showing me that my hard work has been recognised.

And the car is coming back today!

So, see. Everything's going to be ALRIGHT in my ALMIGHTY's hands.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Busy-ness... picking up again

Ooh...... it's January again. Can feel the markets picking up again. Gearing up for a busy year again.
But I am determined never to miss any church event. Ha. maybe except that trip to Hong Kong. oops.
Going out with D tonight! She will be well. By faith, we know for sure. =)