Thursday, April 09, 2009

be courteous

Some of the people in my office needs to know this mantra....

Courtesy is for free
Courtesy is for you and me.
It makes for gracious living and harmony
Giving a friendly smileHelping out where we can
Trying hard to be polite all the time

Courtesy is for free
Courtesy is for you and me.
It makes for gracious living and harmony
Living could be a treat
If people are awfully sweet
Courtesy could be our way of life

Courtesy is for free
Courtesy is for you and me.
It makes for gracious living and harmony
It is rude to be abusive
Just to prove we're right
Instead we could be nice about it if we tried
Make courtesy our way of life.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Exciting youthful days

Heard some "news" over the pulpit yesterday. Very very exciting and happy! cant wait to hear more!
Wished I was younger. Wished I could grow up in HOGC again...
hahaha..... I missed all these things in my youth.
But I have the best man. I prayed for him since 20. ;p