I know that the purpose of this blog is being fulfilled, cos some of you, my friends, have been reading it and sms-ing me about the stuff that I wrote in here. Hey! Thanks for giving me face man! Feel free to drop long comments if you want!
Ok... some of you have been "pestering" me for the story behind the delirious episode... well, here goes! I got the job at ***!!! Yippee!! Hey, I worked in my present organisation, let's call it "XYZ" for 6 long boring years. I remembered I spent the 1st three months in XYZ doing absolutely nothing! Zilch. Zero. Nil. So I totally understood what "bored to death" meant. I persevered and worked for 2-3 years before I really realised that there was nothing more to the present job/portfolio that I was doing. I was "bored to tears"... I cried many times about how boring the job was... I really did. Guys, do
not for one moment think that I am unproductive or slow... on the contrary, I do churn out volumes of reports and I do finish my tasks. In fact, one ex-boss had commented in a d*** sarcastic manner that I did my work so fast and so this meant that I had nothing to do. I think this ex-boss shot himself in the foot. If I, as your subordinate, had nothing to do, it only reflects that you are a lousy boss. So beat it. Anyway, this ex-boss is no longer in the organisation... was convicted in court for something not so pleasant (that is a dumb statement from me... since when got people got convicted in court for something pleasant one? hello? hehehe... my turn to shoot myself in my foot...)... anyway, see, bad habit, digressed again... anyway... where was I?
Oh yah... sometime in 2004, I know I had to quit. I felt absolutely underutilised, bored, underemployed and wasted. I knew I could do more. I asked God many many times to show me what else can I do? I wanted to quit so badly... but I did not budge as I had to pay for my wedding in Sep 2004... So well, I was stuck in XYZ... well meaning friends from my former church, often chided me for not being thankful that I have a "great" job. Most told me that I should be "contented"... but hello? Can't they see that I am wasting my time? I am definitely not satisfied. I want more. I am sure my God would not like to see me not fulfilling my potential. These friends from my former church and some colleagues who are Christians, often told me to pray about it. Yah. I did. The answer was the more I prayed, the more I am convinced that I must leave XYZ. So, to vision my resignation, I drafted my resignation letter in July 2004. This was triggered by the appointment of Ms Lala as my superior in my section. I shall not write too much about her. I have nothing good to say about her. Remember my earlier post on "nothing good to say, don't say"? yup, I shall not write anything about her. Thankfully, after my persistent prayer and crying to God about Ms Lala, she was posted out of my section after 6 months. Yup, so 2005 came and went. 2006 arrived. I have gone for countless job interviews. I have rejected so many times. There were 2 common reasons the companies that interviewed me gave: 1) We can't match your pay; & 2) You have no relevant industry experience. Sigh. I have to start somewhere right? My pay wasn't even high. Hey, after 6 years of working, you would expect my pay to be high, right? but no. It wasn't. Even my teacher friends were shocked when I told them about my measly pay. It was pathetic. Then I thought my break came... after 5 rounds of interview with this MNC, they finally offered me a job. I was excited. I was hyped-up. But alas, they offered me a pay package that was so low, I am not sure if I could even apply for a credit card. The reason was simple: I had not relevant industry experience. Sigh. I was irrational, as I only wanted to quit. The push factors were way too strong. I thought that that was all that I am worth. Thank God that He gave me good CGLs and Pastors to hold me back. They told me that God will never short change me and they believed that a better option would come my way. So I reject this job offer and stayed put. Sigh. I pressed on. Mondays were terrible. I could die from the pain of being trapped.
I continued to apply for jobs. Only one gave me a chance. Hey, this time, I decided not to talk about my current work during interviews. It felt different this time. It felt as though that God is with me. But I wasn't sure as I might be too eager to think that way. Just before the 1st round of interview, I felt a prompting... it went "talk about ushering"... I was like "huh?"... So when the interviewer asked me "tell me more about you"... instead of the usual banter on what I do at work, I said "I am an usher in church". So I talked about the detailed and meticulous task-oriented operations and also the people-oriented work. I talked about how I like to greet people who walked into the church on sunday mornings and ushered them to their seats and if I knew their names, I would greet them with their names. I spoke with sincerity about how I loved being an usher. Haha! The interviewers were surprised and impressed. They started to tell me about the job scope of the job that I was interviewing for. It was as if I had already been offered. Before I left, they even said that they liked my suit. Haha! so funny! So, I was called back for a stats and reasoning test and 2 more rounds of interviews with HR and also the big boss. Both times, I talked about the values and the good attitudes I learnt from church. It seems that I learnt so much more in my almost 2 years in Heart of God Church than the 6 years I was working in XYZ. XYZ never taught me about good attitudes and how to handle diffcult people, but my church did! I am so thankful to God for bringing me to this church. Great teachings, great pastors, great leaders, great people, great everything.
Just last monday, on 27 Aug, I felt so sad that I was still stuck in XYZ. I had to be alone to talk to God. So I went to the office gym, sat in the dark, on the exercise ball and started to cry a little. I didn't know what to say to God. I just said in my heart "God, how long more?". I didn't hear anything from God. After 5 minutes, I went back to my cubicle and continued labouring on my boring tasks. Then da phonecall from *** came on the morning of 28 Aug! I got the job! Yippee!! The terms were great and best of all, there was no pay cut. In fact, there was a slight increase! It takes a miracle! My God is a God of miracles!
So, friends, do not think that God cannot do you any good. God is a good God. God is a good father. He sees. He hears. He blessed me. He will do the same for you. The bible says that if you seek God, He will seek you. Every week, I hear stories of how God has blessed his children. In my church, there is always a miracle. Each person has his/her own miracle to tell. You've heard mine. Do you want your own?