Monday, July 14, 2008

Return of Youthful Idealism

Watched "Lions for Lamb" in church last saturday. It was a brilliant movie. The dialogue is just fantastic. I really applaud the scriptwriters. And thank God that there were subtitles, otherwise, really, I don't think I can catch half of what the show is about. The movie explored so many themes, both explicit and subtle, all beautifully intertwined together. The themes of governance and military propaganda, the deception of journalism, mentoring, fleeting youthfulness, politics of ethnic minorities, affirmative action, and what Pastor wanted us to focus on - the decline of idealism as we move into adulthood.

Idealism... Something I havent thought about in years. Looking back, I realised that the world was simpler and people were all nice. And all I wanted was for everyone to be nice to everyone. As a youth, I also grew closer to God. While in university, I spent time talking to God everyday. Everyday, I could hear the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, I even knew who was coming around the corner and who would walk into the room before the person actually arrives, cos I had to take some positive action as guided by Him. I was so joyful that it must have shown on my face, cos I had friends who asked me why was I so happy despite all the assignments. My world, then, was a fairytale in a bubble. I remembered that there were a few times, when doing my QT, I was just prompted to pray for myself that I would never backslide, that when things do bad, I must never let go of God. I prayed to God that He must never let me let Him go, no matter what. I am so thankful to God for those bubble years, where, retrospectively, He must been preparing me for what is to come.

The bubble burst when I went to work and when I went to this other church group. Things just happened and my idealism gave way to scepticism. Yes, I was sceptical. Although, my love for God grew cold at some point, I always remembered that prayer to never let God go no matter what. God is so good.

Last Saturday, I felt that God was telling me He was bringing idealism back to me, when He brought me into HOGC. Since I have experienced "realism" (whether imagined in my head or experienced in reality) in my adulthood, God is writing more faith into my life so that my mind will be renewed and will see things in the fourth dimension. Now, without the bubble, I am not naive, but with Jesus, I am not sceptical. I am living out an idealistic life in a realistic environment. I have hope in Jesus. All things are possible.

With God and HOGC, idealism has transformed my reality.

Father, etch idealism indelibly into my consciousness. May I never grow cold again.


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