Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Vision with Action can Change the World!

Had a busy week last week... busy, but exciting. Went for a three day train-the-trainers course at IPAM. It was fantastic! I learnt so much and made some new friends. I learnt techniques on training in front of a group of people, whether adults or youth or children. Fasinating. I learnt about fillers, energizers, warm-ups, ice-breakers... I learnt about models of learning and the 7 intelligence and I did many many profiling tests - MBTI, FIRO-B, Learning styles, team compatibility... etc... So, I am a INFJ - Intraverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Judging. INFJs only make up 1% of the population. Ha! I am rare! No wonder sometimes, I feel like a misfit. Maybe to many people, I may not seem to be introverted, but guys, really lah, I am... I need to rest to recharge, not go out and chiong... so friends, now you know why I dont quite like pubbing? So noisy and so smelly, got smoke and drunkards and vomit all around, some more must pay money to buy coke? are you kidding? what's so good about that? Pubbing sounds really silly to me. I digressed. Anyway, where was I? oh, yup, I learnt so much. I am quite intrigued by HRD, not HRM. I think HRM is quite boring, but HRS sounds interesting... Am wondering, should I take up a course in HRD? After all, in the vision which I wrote down during the course, I wrote "Help People to Realise their Potential to be Great". I like how that sounds. Hmm... got to pray and ask God for a direction. Oh, then, if I am right, isn't image consulting part of HRD? Ha! I like it! More than that, I like the fact that God is adding stuff to my vision.

Visions... I was troubled recently by that. I asked God and my CGLs... is it ok not to have a vision? cant I just live my life and do my best in whatever comes into my path? Well... God gave me the answer... The course reminded me of what Pastor How spoke about last time about visions... Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is passing time. Vision with action can change the world! Wow! I will continue to seek my God about this vision and in time, and fast time, I know He will complete this vision...

Sometimes, I sit quietly and I think. I am so loved! yes, I am. I have friends who care about my job interviews. I have a great church, where I have the privilege to serve. I have a wonderful lao gong. I have great leaders in church who always have to listen to my whining and especially, my recent whining about not having a vision. I have 2 wonderful pastors. In all my years as a Christian, I never had such wonderful pastors who cared personally for me. And I have good parents. I have many blessings lah. And I still want more.

okie. Me going to run 10km. Go to be fit... never passed any of my fitness test from primary 4 to JC 2... hmmm... wonder if I am fitter than last time... you know wat? I think I am. hehe...


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